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a little about me

Having launched in 2016, this blog is very much a “Dear Diary” insight into where I’ve been, who I’ve met and what I’ve learnt. Whilst providing some light entertainment on a quiet day at work, the blog will also hand out some handy tips on travel locations and hopefully initiate some interesting conversations amongst your peers (and of course with me).


So who is the person behind the words? Well it’s none other than me,Jinal Ardeshna. For the longest time I have dreamt of turning my passion for writing, into something tangible. Teamed with my love for travelling and storytelling, I started jotting down my thoughts on various trips. In February 2016, I relocated to Singapore and with more time and a lot more material to cover, JBlogs was created as an “I can write about anything” type of blog.


Whilst starting as a pet project, I hope to develop this blog into something bigger, and I welcome you to take this journey along with me. Like what you see and want to read more? Have ideas for future blog posts?

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Jinal Ardeshna

Blog. Journal. Diary. Journey

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© 2016 by JBLOGSWEB

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