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blog post

Let me introduce myself...

4 years ago, I thought I would try my hand at penning down my thoughts. It was a New Year's Resolution for 2012, and three years later I actually got around to doing it (points for persistence?) I tried my hand at an amateur blog on my 2015 travels to Brazil and Argentina, and enjoyed it so much, thought about how I could do this more often, without bombarding my friends and family through social media. Unfortunately for them, my options are limited, but instead of several different posts I've bundled it all up into this nice little package, all at the click of a button. Who said magic wasn't real?!

Just for some shits and giggles, read my four year old post, which is finally getting it's moment in the sun. Oh how times have changed!

"In the early hours of 31 December 2011, I sit back and reflect over the year. It's been a peculiar one; to some extent just a waiting ground for the build up to the almighty 2012 but also extremely influential in terms of significant lifetime events.

Having graduated in Summer 2011 (whoop whoop graduation, less whoop over the disaster that befell me on that very morning; to be saved for a later date) I now proudly work in my beautiful home city of London. I say proudly as I was beyond shocked to have come out of university with a graduate job lined up, what with the economic crisis... yada-yada-yada...snooze. No, but seriously, I was chuffed to be on a graduate scheme as it entitled me to squeeze in a bit of adventure in between those two rather significant dates in my calendar.

During August I jetted off to South East Asia, to find a bit of culture and indulge in the food. Having been lucky enough to travel abroad previously, there was little excitement over the flight journey itself (20 hours with a stop-over) but the thought of getting there and seeing all those amazing things, I had only ever heard or read about, made this the most exciting trip of all time. We (me and my travel buddy) managed to cover part of north and south Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam in a month. I met some memorable people, and partook in unforgettable events. Whilst it may have been no "Eat, Pray, Love" (well we can't all live the Julia Roberts lifestyle), it has left me with the constant travel itch and a greater perspective on what is out there and how I want to fit into it all.

Many of you already know that I do what I can to fit in as many holidays as possible within the year. So to follow on with what I hope will become a lifetime habit, I was treated to a birthday trip to New York. Having never been before, I was a tad excitable, running around Manhattan with my big SLR camera, kicking any previous fantasies of living the Gossip Girl lifestyle straight in the teeth, and the tourist in me awoke as soon as my feet hit the icy ground. Forget the shopping, for me it was all about the eerie quietness at the top of the Rockerfeller Centre. Those of who you who have been to New York will know that it is literally the city that never sleeps, there's constant hubbub and Times Square is brighter by night, but at the Top of the Rock looking out on to the most built up piece of land I've ever seen, I suddenly got an overwhelming feeling of just how small I am in context. For me that was the most incredible part of the trip (although Mexican restaurants on every corner came a close second).

2011 has been an amazing year for me and 2012 is a big year in many respects. There's an expected inflow of tourists for the London Olympics, the fear the world may end thanks to the Mayans and for me the constant nail biting of results day. Let's hope it lives up to the expectations, here's to another year full of adventures. Here's to 2012. I'll definitely drink to that!"

© 2016 by JBLOGSWEB

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