In August we head back to London for an epic two weeks, filled with nothing but friends and family. There’s a lot to be said about being away from home, but here are ten of the best things about being back:

Driving - this sounds silly, but I miss driving! I miss bickering with Neil about who's going to drive and I miss the feeling you get when an absolute banger comes on the radio, there's no traffic on the road, and the sun is shining in as you scream out the lyrics, wondering why Simon Cowell hasn't discovered you yet. #overscategory
The Kids - When we left London, there was a sprinkling of kids, when we returned this time we were overrun with the number of nieces and nephews we now have, and some who we met for the first time. I loved spending time with them all, and was definitely a contender for favourite aunt ;)

Preston Pub - If you know you know
Friends - We've been lucky in that many of our friends have been out to visit us, but seeing people in mutual home turf and falling straight back into things was just what I needed to realise true friendships never change, despite the distance (and time). #oldisgold
The FOOD - home made food by the mums, lunches (and dinners) at Regency, a cheeky nandos (the REAL kind), pub lunches and crisps... oh so many bags of crisps.

Day Time Boozing - Nothing says holiday quite like daytime boozing. Nothing says London, quite like daytime boozing in the rain... by a fireplace. Teamed with some great company, and CHEAP (but good) wine, I felt like I was right where I should be.
City Buzz - Friday night in London town can not be rivaled by any other city. Fact. Walking down the streets of Soho, we reacquainted ourselves with the weird and wonderful beings of London - drinking and eating until the sun came up. #nolastorders

The Tube - weirdly, I genuinely missed the tube... what was weirder, was I was packed on with a bunch of Tottenham supporters after a game at Wembley, heading back into town, which probably enhanced the entertainment element.
The Adults - I still sit in this limbo where I consider myself "one of the kids" therefore the adults are parents, aunts and uncles etc. One thing I miss when in Singapore, is the level of conversations that can be had with someone in the elder generation. We could be talking nonsense, or learning something about history - either way, it's a whole new level of interaction which I love.
UK Summer Time - You’ve probably been expecting this, but a crisp chill on a hot summer’s day is the best feeling ever. As it starts to get dark, it starts to get cooler (shocking I know!) This comes hand in hand with a few additional fashion elements such as wearing a cardi or boots! I managed to reignite my love for some of those items I had all but forgotten I owned.
And what is a trip without a video... you'll see what I mean about the number of kids too!